Is the Polara golf ball "new" option for golf? Most golfers know about Polara and the Polara ball, if not, more than 70 percent of them are surely aware of these balls because these are a kind of "magical" ball. Anyone can play golf like a professional with these balls. I mean if you haven't been to a golf course ever in your life, go to your local golf course tomorrow, take with just one ball and give this game a try. You will love it when you see your ball moving straight like a rocket towards its destination.
So how does it actually work? Why is it different than other golf balls? Who made it? What are its pros and cons? You will find the answers to these and many other related questions shortly.
To start with, these magical golf balls have the ability to move straight. These balls automatically correct your hook and slice. You can hit it blindly and it will go straight. So the idea is to provide golfers with something they can rely on.
Now a day, there are different types of Polara golf balls that work on the same technology. These include Polara Ultimate Straight, Polara Ultimate Straight XS, Polara XD and Polara XDS.
How it works
I am not a technical savvy person and physics has never been my favorite subject, but in order to get an insight of these Polara golf balls I researched a lot. I have talked to numerous golfers. I have read countless articles about these balls. I have discussed with hundreds of people. And this is what I have come up with.
These guys have changed the dimple pattern of the regular golf ball. These balls have very shallow dimples on the equator and deep dimples on the poles, as mentioned on Polara golf's website. This pattern of dimples is known as asymmetrical, because the dimple pattern is not common throughout the ball. However official golf balls are made to have symmetrical dimple pattern. A symmetrical dimple pattern is the one where there are equal dimples throughout the ball without any shallow or deep patches.
Now, what happens is this asymmetrical dimple pattern allows the ball to adjust itself automatically during flight. Generally speaking, all are made against the rules of USGA but people still use them. More than 30 percent of the golfers prefer playing with these balls. And this is the reason that you will find thousands of reviews online, outlets, franchises, dealers, online stores, agents and what not.
The question is why golfers use this ball over others? The best thing about the Polara golf ball is that you can play perfect golf almost all the time. There will be no hooks and slices when you use it. Additionally, you will find it easier to beat your opponents as long as they are not using the same ball.
I must say that this ball is good for amateurs and for practice sessions. It is not for those who want to become a good golf player. Those who want to use this magical golf ball must use it when they feel that it will not affect their real game and skills.
I am an avid golfer and have been for over 25 years. I am always looking to enhance my golf game any way I can. I have done a lot of research and have found several items about Golf Buy It Online on the internet. You can also find lots of FREE golf advice, tips and other resources at World Tour Golf.
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