How Much Electricity Does a Wind Turbine Generate?
By Peter Emson
A wind turbine generator is basically a mechanical electrical machine that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into the required rotational mechanical energy with the use of turbine blades that is needed to produce free electrical energy.
Turbine generators for home use can generate many kilowatts of free electricity and are a popular choice for remote farms, houses and log cabins which have no reasonable access to mains electricity but are in areas with a good amount of wind speed.
So what are the main advantages of using a wind turbine generator?
- They are environmentally friendly as they do not emit any harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere or leave any potential harmful residues.
- They do not consume any non-renewable fossil fuels to produce the electricity, thereby helping the environment.
- Wind turbine generators are classed as an alternative energy source saving on conventional electrical power generation.
- Although the initial purchase and installation costs of your wind turbine generator may be high, the savings made in generating your own electricity will offset this cost, so you could be getting your electricity free for many years to come.
- Turbine generators give you independence by doing away with paying the utility companies for your electricity, and with a turbine generator on your own land, you have your very own power generating plant.
Generating your own power could be as easy as installing a suitable wind turbine generator and using the power from the wind to lower your monthly bills. Wind turbine design and generator technology has come a long way over the last few years as more and more companies jump onto the renewable energy bandwagon. Today complete wind turbine systems and DIY kits are available for the homeowner with turbines that are more efficient, smaller and quieter than ever before.
Most modern "wind turbine generators" are available locally or online in a large variety of different sizes and power ratings to suit any homeowners needs. Although turbine generators are based mainly on well established motor-generator designs which have been successfully used for many decades, the newer generator designs are much more energy efficient and as such include many new improvements.
In the past, to have a home wind turbine system, most homeowners needed a lot of free space on their property which was completely open and exposed to provide a strong enough and consistent amount of wind to rotate the larger heavier blades of the traditional wind turbine.
Back then wind energy was a relatively new, so the old style electrical generators used for many domestic installations were nothing more than scaled-down versions of the larger commercial motor-generators. But these were not very well suited to smaller domestic type installations.
To begin with, these early generators required very strong winds to help start the blades rotating, the result was they needed to be fixed and mounted on the ends of tall poles high up above the ground to be able to catch the stronger winds. These generators were themselves very heavy, so they needed to be positioned into the oncoming wind before they would started rotating and generating electricity.
This positioning and orientation into the oncoming wind was achieved by using a large tail fin positioned directly behind the generator. As a result of their heavy weight, it required a strong enough amount of wind to rotate it into the required position. Then this meant that most of the time they would miss most of the smaller lighter winds and not position themselves correctly. Although these were very good at turning these stronger winds into huge amounts of electrical power, most residential and domestic locations are not normally favourable to these strong winds.
However, a couple of decades ago, smaller modern generator designs began to start to become available on the marketplace that would take fuller advantage of not only the stronger winds but the much lighter winds as well found in most residential locations. These newer wind turbine generators could rotate at much lower speeds than the older generators and because these were lighter and better balanced, they could even orientate themselves into position much quicker without the need of large heavy tail fins.
Some newer vertical axis turbine designs are even capable of catching and using a light breeze aimed at it from any one direction. These newer more innovative turbine designs make for a perfect turbine generator for use in the home, boat or recreational vehicle, and for the homeowner they are actually a lot less expensive to run than the electrical power which they generate.
The modern wind turbine generator available today is designed to be installed and used in most residential type installations. So they are manufactured smaller and more lightweight allowing them to be quickly and easily mounted directly onto a roof or onto a short pole or tower. Installing a newer turbine generator as part of your home wind power system will allow you to reduce most of the higher costs of maintaining and installing a taller and more expensive turbine tower as you would have before in the past.
Also, although these newer generator designs would generate less power when turning compared to their larger and older cousins of the past, for sure they will be rotating more often and therefore can generate the same amounts of free electricity over a period of time. The result is that these improved wind turbine designs will actually give a more consistent and reliable amount of electrical energy from your wind energy system.
As these newer "wind turbine generator" designs are quieter and less obtrusive, there may be lesser complaints from your neighbours about your wind energy system. Then you can relax in the knowledge that your wind turbine generator will still keep delivering free power from any passing breeze or strong wind for many years to come.
To learn more about "Wind Turbine Generators" and how you can use them to power your home, or to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using Wind Energy as an alternative energy resource, visit today and find lots more good quality and free Alternative Energy Tutorials as well as information and articles about the many different types of alternative energy sources available for the home.
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Iraq and Oil - It's Flowing in Some Parts, Not So Much in Others
It is interesting that people keep complaining about supply and demand when it comes to global oil, and yet there is so much oil already discovered that is not being produced. And, we keep finding more and more, along with new methods, and technologies to get at some of the more difficult reserves. It is amazing that Iraq cannot get its act together, as it is sitting on a literal gold mine in oil, but the infighting in its political structure is preventing it from being one of the wealthiest countries on the planet.
There was an interesting piece in Reuters on June 19, 2012 titled; "Iraq asks Obama to halt Exxon's Kurdish deal," by Ahmed Rasheed and Peg Mackey reporting from Baghdad and London which stated;
"Iraq has asked U.S. President Barack Obama to stop Exxon Mobil exploring for oil in its autonomous Kurdistan region, saying the U.S. company's actions could have dire consequences for the country's stability. An aide to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki told Reuters of a letter the premier had sent, seeking Obama's intervention, as Kurdistan said on Tuesday it would sign more deals with majors to raise its output five-fold."
If Obama intervenes, well he'd be no better than Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela, Russia, or any of the other nations who like to conveniently intervene in oil deals or even nationalize assets. It's not for Obama to decide, and the Iraqis need to stop worrying about what the Kurds are doing in their region and get busy in their own and up that oil supply from 2.5 Billion barrels a year to 10 or 11 billion barrels, then there wouldn't be any problems, in fact Iraq would start looking more like Kuwait or Dubai soon enough - the entire country - and yes there is that much oil wealth in the ground there. Perhaps, we should have produced it to pay off our war costs there.
It is interesting that the Iraqi government wants us to come in and fix this problem, and as to that requests I would say; hey wait a minute these people threw us out remember? And wasn't it the Kurds we used to justify going after Saddam for trying to slaughter them? Maybe if the Kurds had their own nation, then the 12 million Kurds in Turkey might go live there, and relieve Turkey of terrorism. Just a thought, because oil money seems to change everything in that part of the world - doesn't it?
Maybe if the Kurdish area of Iraq started producing lots of oil, and got lots of money in the process, and the Iraqi government got a share of that, then they might get on the ball, realize what this can do for their economy and country, and this would completely alleviate the supply and demand challenges throughout the global oil market. Yes, it would lower the price per barrel, which might hurt some of those nations which have become oil republics, and overspent or over-committed themselves to future oil revenues, but in the end it would be the best for all concerned.
Should Obama intervene - absolutely not - it's time for Iraq to get their act together, to get along, to bury the hatchet, and get with the program. Indeed, that's my opinion and you call me a hardliner if you will, but as a customer for that oil the US should do nothing of the sort to prevent it from flowing. I say - bring it. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;
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Is Russia Promoting Anti-Fracking Global Media Propaganda? - Let Me Speculate
Have you ever wondered were all this negative media coverage over oil and gas fracking is coming from? Yes, it must be done carefully, and with the employee of knowledgeable geologists who know what they're doing, but to say that it is unsafe in every case is simply hogwash. In fact, it makes a lot of sense to use this strategy. Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we?
There was an interesting article recently in the Wall Street Journal about how foreign nations were very slow to uptake the new fracking technologies for increasing their gas and oil production and drilling. The article titled; "Shale Is Hard To Crack Outside the US," by Liam Denning published on June 19, 2012 also noted that Poland is not using fracking, out of fear of Earthquakes and ground water contamination, therefore, they remain at the mercy of Russia for their gas imports - meaning that undue influence leaves them vulnerable to heavy handed international politics in that region.
Remember, Russia has shut of the natural gas in the middle of winter previously to neighboring nations when it could not get its way - so this is serious stuff. Now then, let me ask you another question; is Russia using global media propaganda to make fracking look dangerous and less environmentally safe so it can remain a leader in its natural gas exports? Conspiracy, well it could be, and this is often how Russia plays things, and they could also be doing that here as well, yes, here in the US. Why, they don't want our abundance of over production to impact their global sales.
There is a lot at stake here, and right now Russia's economy is hurting a little due to oil barrel prices being low right now, which is causing an issue. If embargoes are lifted on Iran and the acquiesce and stop their nuclear weapons enrichment, that oil will get back on the market easing global oil prices too, thus, Russia loses either way - so they are in a lose-lose situation, and so let me ask that question again; "are the Russians using propaganda in the world media, funding environmentalists, and using social networks, and other groups to make fracking look environmentally dangerous and an geologically unstable and unsustainable way to get natural gas and oil?"
They certainly have the incentive to do so, and as the coordinator for a think tank which operates online with all of my ears to the rail-road tracks - I think from what I've seen at least - I'm now convinced. But if you doubt that check out the media, Russian TV sometime and see for yourself - if fracking is so bad, why is Russia doing it - while telling everyone else it's dangerous.
Be careful before you join some environmental cause as a change agent for mother earth, you might think you are joining a cause bigger than yourself, but in reality you are helping the Russians gain control of more turf as Putin looks to resurrect the USSR, which will be no good for any freedom and liberty loving human on this planet. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;
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Some Day Solar Panels Could Power All Homes
By Gizmo Watson
It may not be very far away in the future that solar power is used in some way or the other in very household. Most neighborhoods are using solar panels for various purposes, be it for water heating or for electricity. The fact is that lots of homes are seeing long term benefits of using solar panels for their energy needs.
A little bit on the technicalities now. The photovoltaic cells in solar panels are capable of converting solar energy into electricity. The more panels you line up, the more electricity can be generated. You also need an inverter and a battery to be able to use the electricity for most appliances and also to store the energy that can then be reused when the sun is not around. Another factor that determines how much electricity is generated is the efficiency of the solar panels. Better the efficiency of the panels more is the electricity that is produced. With advancements in technology, panels have become more efficient which means more energy conversion and more electricity for you using the same number of panels.
There is no denying that most homes are resorting to green energy to meet their electricity needs and also are looking for ways to cut costs. Solar energy is one of the many alternate energy sources that most neighborhoods have successfully managed to use. Depending on your location, one may also use Wind Turbine power plant to generate electricity.
The best part about using solar energy is that you can scale gradually as well. That means you can always start on a small scale and then later on scale up to cover more of your electricity needs. Whether you want to wait for the prices of the panels to go down further is up to you to decide, but the fact is that the prices have reduced a lot over the last few years and it could be a good time to use these. You can do the installation on your own if you want the savings can be substantial.
If you are looking for ways to cut your utility bills and at the same time also do your bit for the environment, then using solar energy is a good option. It is a renewable source of energy and gives you totally clean energy. Most homes are resorting to green energy to meet their electricity needs so if you are looking for ways to cut your costs, start reading on solar panels right away.
For great information on diy solar panels and cost, visit
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Expanding and Making Your Business More Profitable by Training in Solar Energy
In recent years, the alternative energy movement has expanded and become more prominent. Going green is no longer seen as going against the current or choosing to live an alternative lifestyle, rather it's now seen as something everyone must embrace and promote. Decades of not taking the environment in consideration has its toll however. The default, standard and accepted means of acquiring energy are not green. If people want to help their environment, they would have to look to alternative sources of energy, and this is what your company should aim to provide. A large sector of society is now looking to change their lifestyle, and this is a prime opportunity for your company to expand and be profitable by serving their needs.
There are various ways of providing green energy, from hydroelectric dams, geothermal power plants, and wind farms. However these are all cost intensive, and will be highly impractical for the average client. The easiest and most practical way to get green energy for the average client would be through the use of pv solar panels. These panels are comparatively easier to install into the average building and do not require vast changes to infrastructure. Their highly modular features, its ability to generate electricity when it's actually needed, its low maintenance requirements, and its highly green nature make it a very attractive option for people growing green, and this is what your business should capitalize on.
In order to expand into this technical sector, you should first get training. There are many options available to you, university campuses, training centres and even online workshops. These courses will teach you all you need to know. You will have to learn the essentials of photovoltaic solar panels, the technology that goes into it, how it is made and how it is used. You will have to learn how to calculate a building's electricity needs, and how many panels it needs to be installed. You will have to learn how to correctly wire, mount and install the solar panels, and how to design an energy system perfectly suited to your client's needs.
Most importantly you will have to learn why solar energy is a necessity that society needs to embrace today. You will have to learn all of its history, its positive impact on the environment, and how it will help your prospective clients. Learning how to market pv solar panels is the most essential skill for your business. As mentioned earlier, society is going green and people are looking for cleaner ways to get their energy. However aside from the people actively looking for a green alternative, there are millions who stick to using the old methods because of a lack of information.
Your business will have to communicate to these people the effectiveness of solar panels, and have them join the green revolution. The time will come when society is completely green, and the rapidly expanding solar sector will have a big role to play in it. By getting the necessary training your business can be a part of it and become highly successful.
For more details on the topics mentioned in this article, such as the use of pv solar panels in Swansea or other renewable energy initiatives including heat pumps, please visit WDS Green Energy, who have a great deal of knowledge in the field.
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Dangers Associated With the Oil and Gas Industry
The people who work in the oil & gas industry face many dangerous conditions every day. There are many aspects of this industry which can cause employees to get injured while working.
Aspects such as transportation, drilling, storage refining etc are dangerous since oil and gas are flammable in nature. In case the oil or the gas spills, it is very dangerous and a worker may lose his or her life. The risks, in this event, can make workers to be physically handicapped or even face severe trauma.
If you are a victim of such injuries, you have legal rights to seek compensation from the company. This will help you pay your medical bills along with other expenses while you get treatment. An experienced lawyer can help you and ensure that you fill all the procedures needed in the workers compensation's claim process, and you must make sure that you do everything to maximize the chances of securing your benefits. And before you seek employment in this industry, you should know about the possible dangers.
Types of dangers associated with the oil & gas industry
There are many types of accidents that are associated with the industry, and some of the common accidents that a worker can experience include tanker accidents, hydrocarbon leaks and spills, pipeline explosions, gaseous blowouts of hydrocarbon, and accidents associated with high pressure.
These types of incidents can greatly alter the physical appearance of a worker. Thus, it is necessary to have insurance. Having an insurance policy will help you in time of need.
There are some injuries that severely alter the life of the injured worker and some can be very serious and may even leave them incapable to work for their remaining lives. In case of such situations, the oil and gas company has to compensate you and also pay for the hospital bills. There is a workers' protection act that will help you if the company refuses to compensate you.
Although nowadays there are modern technologies which minimize the occurrence of incidents but these incidents still happen. Most oil and gas companies have improved their transportation systems and pipelines to minimize these uncertainties.
Though they have succeeded to lessen the injuries yet they cannot completely eradicate accidents. The injured workers should perceive the available benefits which they should have to recover from accidents.
It is very important to know your rights. Just in case you meet an accident, you should be able to ask for compensation.
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Is Green Energy the Way Forward?
These days one hears of green building, green architecture, green energy and one tends to ask; why is it green? Does it refer to just color or is there any other meaning to it. Let's talk about energy and why it is called green.
Energy in itself has no color, so what do we mean by 'green energy'. There seems to be no single or universal definition for it, though it has various interpretations. Is it called green because the color green is generally aligned with nature and so whatever is benign towards nature gets labeled 'green', in a rather generic way? However, there is a lot of agreement in labeling all forms of energy that is renewable, sustainable and environment friendly as 'green energy'. Thus, energy produced by wind, water, sun and nuclear power, generally, come under this category.
Presently, energy derived from fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas fulfill the world's needs, by and large, but there is an ever-increasing demand for more. The realization that these power sources are not infinite but are being depleted and the world could come to a situation, in which these would be totally exhausted, has fueled the critical need to find alternate sources and this has become the focal point of global research.
Nations are actively pursuing efforts at producing energy from wind, water and sun. Nuclear power has also been generated as an alternative source but the recent catastrophe in Japan has been a set-back. Technological advancements in extraction and production of 'green energy' from the various sources and the stringent safety norms that are mandated will help to provide clean and safe energy for the future.
Petrol, diesel and natural gas; all derived from fossil fuels have been used in all forms of transportation vehicles till now, but for how long? The research and investment into vehicles using hybrid fuel is catching on because nations and people have become aware of the damage to the environment caused, directly or indirectly, by the prolonged usage of fossil fuels.
Using 'green energy' has great benefits, and once technology to produce this energy achieves the required degree of perfection, environmental degradation will be minimal and we can leave a better world for our future generation. Unlike fossil fuels, 'green energy' sources are not extracted but harnessed. As a result there would be far less abuse of our environment.
'Green energy' is clean, affordable, as its production is cost effective in the long run; and the seed material is practically unlimited. However, this type of energy production has not reached such levels as to completely replace energy produced by fossil fuels. The extraction and subsequent usage of fossil fuels produce harmful emissions that cause global warming but with 'green energy' there is no such fear. But the road map is clear; it is the energy of the future.
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