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Monday, June 25, 2012

Importance of Codes of Conduct in Business Email

Nail the first word - importance - of the title while I parachute in- to dwell further!
1. Importance of how we say: In this age of cyberspace where we interact and express under its virtual veil - what we say and how we say becomes all the more pertinent and an important parameter. There is no real time one- on- one interaction here. All our gestures and situational contexts are depicted virtually through an amalgamated mix of 26 letters, grammar and punctuations through a communication tool called Email or an electronic mail.
2. Importance of knowledge craft: Most of our businesses take place through our work station to a remote place through this tool. So in order that we conduct our businesses effectively to a large audience with multiple elastic ties, it is paramount to have good knowledge of this game in its playing field. This can only be achieved if we master this craft called Email.
3. Importance of clients: Ferris Research carried a few studies, and estimated that in 2006 alone, 25billion emails were sent each day. Out of which around 6 trillion emails a year being only business related. Giving the fact that we live in global electronic age, I'm not surprised when this whooping communication would depend solely on this electronic tool! Client will chose to work with you if you know the importance (Remember, I advised to nail this word?) while transacting business.
4. Importance of comfort words: Politeness, courtesy, integrity, comfort, manners, and a host of other cascading words which bring success and happiness. These soft skills help cement long term business relationship between any two organizations.
In this brief session, it would be 'us and our clients'- the two players in this field. You are as much an ambassador to your organization as he is, to his. The client may be from the same culture or from a different culture. So let us use our words well, with power of wisdom and discipline to interact online.
5. Importance of staying power: Depending on the work some tips may differ, but there are general pointers which need to be followed when we communicate with clients with different cultures, to ensure a business that has staying power even in rough climate of economy.
6. Importance of knowing other cultures: There are many cultures that are more formal than others. It is important we recognize this and ensure that we put a good thought before we guide our fingers on the keyboard.How you project yourself through email speaks volumes about your soil, your professionalism in business, and how well you are equipped and oriented to perform and manage this discipline.
7. Importance to know variations: When we interact internationally there are slight variations we find in British and American usage in; salutation and date interpretation.
Salutation: In British usage, 'Dear sir' is ok. It gains currency with Americans, too. But the Brits close email with, 'Yours faithfully' or 'Yours sincerely' while Americans go reverse- 'Sincerely yours.' (Please note only first alphabet is in upper case: 'Y' and 'S' respectively.)
Date interpretation: In British usage, May 10 will be written as 10/05, while in another area of the world, this may be read as 5th of October. To avoid confusion of tongues, we must spell out the month. We may write May 10, or 10 May or MAY10, instead of 05.10 or 10.05. Although Tower of Babel, does provide a formidable source of fun, but let's avoid it.
Your ideas and suggestions are most welcome at my email address.

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