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Monday, June 25, 2012

Why Make An Online Magazine?

What Is Different About Online Magazines vs. Websites?
Of course, if you want to get technical, an online magazine is a type of website. This is just like saying that a blog is a website. These days, the differences are blurred, though I still hear people asking if website owners run blogs or websites. The difference between a blog, online magazine, e commerce site, or any other type of website is more about how the content gets presented than the actual format or content management system.
Let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean. In the old days, we used to say that WordPress was "blogging" software. These days, it is pretty safe to say that WordPress is a content management system. You can still use WordPress to run a blog, and many people do, but you can also use this software to run many other types of websites. I have seen very successful directories, review sites, e commerce sites, and online magazines use WordPress.
Advantages Of Publishing An E-Magazine
Let me get back to the topic of the advantages of running an online magazine. Your publication should have a variety of interesting content to attract new visitors and keep your old ones coming back. The online magazine format makes this a lot easier. You should keep updating with fresh content, like articles, pictures, and even video.
Of course, the ability to publish videos, on the web, is one big advantage that online magazines have over traditional paper magazines.
If you do a decent job, your targeted content should be some help when you want to attract traffic, and also, keep them coming back. A magazine can also emphasize subscriptions. These can be free or paid, and the main idea is you will have a way to retain your visitors. You go to considerable effort to bring in new visitors, and it is a big advantage if you can get some of them to return!
This can help you if you want your Internet publication to promote your own opinions, small business, professional services. It can also help you generate revenue for yourself, your business, or an organization.
Most Internet visitors do not want to be "sold" something. They do want to visit websites that will entertain or inform them. In the process of getting informed or entertained, it is possible that they will buy something.
You can use this strategy to your advantage if you support a charity, run a real estate business, or just want to help people learn something.
How Do You Present Yourself As A Magazine?
A lot of the definition of a a magazine comes down to image. However, you can find a lot of themes, for popular content management systems, that will give your website the look and feel of a magazine. You should also work hard to provide interesting and updated content that your visitors will find valuable. This can encourage them to join your publication as a member or subscriber. In this way, you can start to build a lasting community around your publication.
If you are interested in online magazine publishing, please stop by E Magazine Makers for more information. We want you help you make an online magazine.

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